1. Washington is very fortunate the Pens mailed in the last period. In case you think it was because of any other reason, I submit to you a stat line:
A. Ovechkin: 0 G, 0 A, 0 pts
Probably the only game the Caps have scored 4 or more without the Joke on the scoresheet.
2. San Diego, what the fuck.
3. Good to see the Pens winning games they should win. Keep Malkin with Crosby until he stops contributing to EVERY POINT the Pens score. Seriously, check the league leaders: Malkin has 10 pts, 7 of them coming in the past 2 games. He's a beast.
And King Crosby is the best player in hockey. If you disagree you're a Flyers fan or you assume goal scoring is the only important mark of a good player. In which case get Gretzky's dick out of your mouth. Watch his passes in the past 2 games and you'll see what I mean.
4. Satan should be kept off Crosby's line. Satan is the best winger on the team in potential, but he doesn't play as well as he could until he's on a lower line. Last night he was a beast.
5. Dupuis is an amazing signing. He gels with Sid in ways only Colby could. Speaking of awesome signings, Zigomanis is the biggest steal of the decade for the Pens. What a player.
6. Bob Smizik wrote some joke column about fighting turning more fans off to hockey than on. It's funny, you can write anything you want as long as you have no facts to back it up, and you only desire baiting people into arguments.
Moving on.
7. As much as I love the parity in this year's NFL, I have never been more bored by it. Not even the results, but the actual games too. The best team is starting Kerry Collins to great success. UGH.
Fuck it.
- Matt
I would actually disagree with you on your little "no facts" bit - while hardcore hockey fans may appreciate the fighting, I know at least two people who refuse to watch hockey as a result of the fighting, which is more than the number of people I know who are drawn to hockey by the fighting (one). Since very few people I know like hockey, we can assume that there aren't more people to add to the latter number, and the former number could rise as I obviously haven't polled everyone.
- Will
Yeah, his facts more or less mirrored your tiny polling numbers. And by that I mean he likes to agitate the Pens/Pirates fans while sanctifying the Steelers.
If fights in hockey turn you off to the sport, you shouldn't be watching is the general consensus. Given that highlights in two of the three most successful leagues (NFL and MLB) involve massive collisions, I don't think the American psyche has any trouble with violence in sports.
While courting the casual fan is nice for profits, look what happens: in the MLB (especially in the playoffs) you get casual fans with more money flooding the stadia, which is why the Fenway crowd was completely dead until they were on the brink. In the NFL, we get ridiculous penalty definitions and penalties for "showboating" (PS- give me a fucking break, they catch a ball for a living, let them have fun). The latter example has turned me off to the NFL, as it's supposed to be about entertainment, and it doesn't feel fun anymore.
Hockey fights have been on the decline in quality recently because they're turning into the NHL equivalent of intentionally hitting a batter in retaliation. However, you get some really good fights every once in a while, including a couple the past few games for the Pens. I'll make a post later that is entirely devoted to hockey fights.
Steelers suck.
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