Saturday, October 4, 2008

Breaking a Dry Spell

Holy fuck, hockey is finally back. I went to and opened up the realtime window, and practically creamed my pants. The game on right now is Rangers versus Pittsburgh South (aka Tampa Bay). has a cool new format, but it's essentially the same site.

Today I head down to Mellon Arena to watch the game on the jumbotron and hang out with other Pens fans. Later tonight, there's a huge (HUGE) fireworks display to commemorate Pittsburgh's 250th anniversary. It's going to be sick.

In other news, I have no idea who's playing anymore in baseball. I hear the four losing teams are all in danger of being swept. Has that ever happened before? Wait, don't tell me, I don't care.

Chargers are playing the Dolphins? I think so, I probably should know. Whatever, the Penguins are back.

- Matt

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