Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Let's recap what happened to my favorite teams yesterday:

* Crosby involved in nasty tie-up on first shift of game, then Malkin leaves and doesn't come back after getting hit on the back of the knee. Yikes.

* B-Rob leaves training camp to see a back specialist. Last I checked, I'm on the depth chart for second base.

* Tomlinson signs with the Jets. I can't root against him, but I hate the Jets so much.

* Rex Ryan gets surgery to kill his massive blubber. Now there will be 50% less fat jokes on this site.

To that last point, maybe this proves that fat retards would rather just get surgery than, you know, have a healthy lifestyle. I don't see Ryan eating Waldorf salads and running 5Ks anytime soon.

Go Monday.

- Matt

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