Saturday, November 1, 2008

Election 08 Spreads

Yeah. We're playing pick 'em with all 50 states using the poll results of Saturday, November 1.

The way to pick is to say [winner] by [more/less]. A push is a push, just like in the NFL.

AL: McCain (-22) over Obama
AK: McCain (-18) over Obama
AZ: McCain (-4) over Obama
AR: McCain (-12) over Obama
CA: Obama (-22) over McCain
CO: Obama (-7) over McCain
CT: Obama (-25) over McCain
DE: Obama (-18) over McCain
DC: Obama (-69) over McCain (no, that's not a typo)
FL: Obama (-4) over McCain
GA: McCain (-5) over Obama
HI: Obama (-31) over McCain
ID: McCain (-42) over Obama (holy balls)
IL: Obama (-24) over McCain
IN: Obama (-1) over McCain
IA: Obama (-14) over McCain
KS: McCain (-32) over Obama
KY: McCain (-9) over Obama
LA: McCain (-7) over Obama
ME: Obama (-21) over McCain
MD: Obama (-15) over McCain
MA: Obama (-19) over McCain
MI: Obama (-12) over McCain
MN: Obama (-8) over McCain
MS: McCain (-13) over Obama
MO: McCain (PK) over Obama
MT: McCain (-3) over Obama
NE: McCain (-26) over Obama
NV: Obama (-7) over McCain
NJ: Obama (-18) over McCain
NH: Obama (-15) over McCain
NM: Obama (-5) over McCain
NY: Obama (-31) over McCain
NC: Obama (-6) over McCain 
ND: Obama (-2) over McCain (going alphabetically, Obama wins by now)
OH: Obama (-4) over McCain
OK: McCain (-27) over Obama
OR: Obama (-14) over McCain
PA: Obama (-10) over McCain
RI: Obama (-14) over McCain
SC: McCain (-22) over Obama (we all know why)
SD: McCain (-7) over Obama
TN: McCain (-16) over Obama
TX: McCain (-19) over Obama
UT: McCain (-23) over Obama
VT: Obama (-21) over McCain
VA: Obama (-9) over McCain
WA: Obama (-21) over McCain
WV: McCain (-9) over Obama
WI: Obama (-11) over McCain
WY: McCain (-26) over Obama

Electoral Votes: Obama (367) over McCain (171) is an over/under of (-196) margin of victory. This is the first tiebreaker.

Total states won: Obama (30) over McCain (21) is an over/under of (-9) margin of victory.
This is the second tiebreaker.

If we're still tied after this, pick the exact number of electoral votes won by the winning candidate. Whoever is closest wins.

EDIT: Watching the Pens game was clearly more of a distraction to typing this than the alcohol I was drinking. Yeah.

- Matt


Matt said...

AL: McCain by more
AK: McCain by more
AZ: McCain by more
AR: McCain by less
CA: Obama by less
CT: Obama by less
DE: Obama by more
DC: Obama by less
FL: McCain to win
GA: McCain by more
HI: Obama by more
ID: McCain by less
IL: Obama by more
IN: McCain to win
IA: Obama by less
KS: McCain by less
KY: McCain by less
LA: McCain by more
ME: Obama by more
MD: Obama by less
MA: Obama by more
MI: Obama by less
MN: Obama by more
MS: McCain by less
MO: McCain to win
MT: McCain by more
NE: McCain by less
NV: Obama by more
NJ: Obama by more
NH: Obama by less
NM: Obama by less
NY: Obama by less
NC: Obama by less
ND: McCain to win
OH: Obama by less
OK: McCain by less
OR: Obama by more
PA: Obama by more
RI: Obama by more
SC: McCain by less
SD: McCain by more
TN: McCain by less
TX: McCain by more
UT: McCain by more
VT: Obama by more
VA: Obama by less
WA: Obama by more
WV: McCain by more
WI: Obama by less
WY: McCain by less

Electoral votes: under

Total states: under

Exact electoral votes: 323 for Obama

Will Shock said...

You have:

MT: McCain (-3) over McCain

I'm assuming you mean "McCain over Obama".

Will Shock said...

AL: McCain beats the spread
AK: McCain beats the spread
AZ: McCain beats the spread
AR: Obama covers
CA: McCain covers
CO: Obama beats the spread
CT: McCain covers
DE: Obama beats the spread
DC: Obama beats the spread
FL: McCain covers
GA: Obama wins outright
HI: Obama beats the spread
ID: Obama covers
IL: Obama beats the spread
IN: McCain wins outright
IA: McCain covers
KS: McCain beats the spread
KY: McCain beats the spread
LA: Obama covers
ME: McCain beats the spread
MD: Obama beats the spread
MA: Obama beats the spread
MI: Obama beats the spread
MN: Obama beats the spread
MS: Obama covers
MO: Obama wins outright
MT: Obama wins outright
NE: McCain beats the spread
NV: McCain covers
NJ: Obama beats the spread
NH: McCain covers
NM: Obama beats the spread
NY: Obama beats the spread
NC: McCain covers
ND: McCain wins outright
OH: McCain covers
OK: McCain beats the spread
OR: Obama beats the spread
PA: McCain covers
RI: Obama beats the spread
SC: Obama covers
SD: Obama covers
TN: McCain beats the spread
TX: McCain beats the spread
UT: McCain beats the spread
VT: McCain covers
VA: McCain covers
WA: McCain covers
WV: McCain beats the spread
WI: Obama beats the spread
WY: McCain beats the spread

Electoral Votes: Obama 382, McCain 156 (Obama beats the spread)

Number of States: Obama 30, McCain 20 (Obama beats the spread)

Will Shock said...

Hey, doofus, I found more mistakes: You have NE as McCain over McCain, and you didn't make a pick in CO.

Sadly for you, your picks don't even add up to the proper number of electoral votes, even if you give CO to Obama.

If you give CO to Obama, it's 326. If you don't, it's 317.

Also, you're not including DC in the "states won" category - technically, the spread is Obama 30, McCain 21. This would change my spread to

States Won: Obama 31, McCain 20 (Obama beats the spread)

Matt said...

Regardless, I'm taking the under for states won. And when you look at so much of the same crap, it starts blending together.

But yeah, I'll edit it.

Matt said...

CO: Obama by more

Sticking with the under for both electoral votes and states, as well as my prediction of 323 electoral votes. I pretty much picked that arbitrarily, and Will's incredibly different picks justify it.