Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bandwagon Jumper of the Week, Week 3

We have to start doing other entries for this blog sometime.

This week's Jumper comes from our nation's capital. The home of the most racist team name in pro sports is now host to the team infamous for breaking the Lions' 19-game dry spell. Naturally, there will be some who are less than pleased with a platoon of overpaid, overhyped myrmidons:

[Washington Joke]

First of all, the guy looks like he wants to bang your dog. His shitfit focuses on how management has consistently ignored any semblance of an offensive line. While he's right on this count, in typical Washingtonian fashion he exhibits the composure of a Hyde Park ranter, smeared in his own fecal matter, waving his arms around and claiming the sky is falling. You're welcome for that image.

- Matt

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